Picture of Umesh Goonasekera

Umesh Goonasekera

Nosis Community Manager

Nosis Business Update: Q2 2023

Nosis Business Update: Q2 2023

It is with immense satisfaction that we present a comprehensive corporate overview that encapsulates the salient developments and achievements of recent months. This briefing details our organization’s noteworthy progression throughout Q2 2023.

In this period, our unwavering commitment to propelling our goals, capitalizing on AI technologies to unlock novel opportunities, and fortifying our market stance has been evident. Our staunch dedication to pioneering innovation, enhancing customer satisfaction, and fostering sustainable growth—strengthened by AI advancements—has catalyzed our success and strategically positioned us for prospective expansion. As we persistently integrate AI, we remain resolute in our capacity to maintain our cutting-edge standing in technological advancements and perpetuate our leadership within our sector.

We invite you to gain deeper insights into these pivotal milestones, strategic initiatives, and laudable accomplishments that have sculpted our business landscape in the second quarter.

Deployment of New Algorithmic Trading Strategies…

We are ecstatic to disclose that the Nosis Trading Bot has undergone a substantial overhaul, effecting a crucial transition from signals-based algorithms to AI-based algorithms. Over the preceding months, our devoted team has been assiduously formulating and executing new trading algorithms, harnessing the power of artificial intelligence to elevate our automated trading platform to unparalleled heights. A primary highlight of this upgrade is the debut of our AI price prediction model, meticulously crafted leveraging the immense quantum of data we have amassed over the years.

Through intensive training, our AI model has been refined to examine market trends, patterns, and historical data, thus enabling it to make more precise and informed trading decisions. The integration of state-of-the-art technologies and sophisticated strategies has drastically enhanced the performance, accuracy, and overall trading capabilities of the Nosis Trading Bot. By capitalizing on AI, we aspire to deliver our users trading solutions that are not merely effective but also exceedingly profitable.

New strategies introduced to the bot include:

  • Parabolic SAR
  • EMA and SMA 50/200
  • Heiken Ashi
  • Half Trend

AI symbolizes the subsequent logical progression for our enterprise as it offers enormous potential to radically transform various facets of our operations. To spearhead our foray into AI, we have successfully onboarded two exceptional individuals who bring a wealth of expertise and experience in the field. With their profound comprehension of AI algorithms, machine learning, and data analytics, they are amply equipped to aid us in launching our inaugural AI product. Their proficiency will empower us to navigate the intricacies of AI implementation, ensuring that our transition to AI-powered solutions is smooth and seamless.

By incorporating AI and utilizing the abilities of these extraordinary individuals, we remain confident in our potential to unlock novel opportunities, stimulate innovation, and sustain market leadership.

Associating With The Pioneers in Finance and AI…

Dr. Friel is a multi-disciplinary professional armed with a diverse skill set and a robust academic foundation. His notable contributions span the realms of data analysis, research, and economic consulting.

As a data scientist, Dr. Friel employs sophisticated statistical methodologies, machine learning algorithms, and data visualization tools to extract significant insights from large and intricate datasets. His expertise lies in uncovering patterns, correlations, and concealed relationships within data, empowering organizations to make informed decisions and secure a competitive advantage. His prowess in blending financial acumen with cutting-edge data analysis techniques makes him an invaluable asset in resolving complex business challenges.

With his robust analytical capabilities and compelling communication skills, Dr. Friel excels in articulating complex economic concepts and findings to a spectrum of stakeholders, from technical experts to laypersons. He boasts a proven track record of delivering comprehensive reports, presentations, and actionable recommendations that facilitate informed decision-making.

Dr. Kasper Liu is an accomplished data science professional with a strong background in finance, deep learning, and operation research. With three years of experience spanning multiple industries, including energy, retail, health, insurance, and real estate. Dr. Liu has demonstrated his ability to apply his skills and expertise effectively across diverse domains. 

With a Ph.D. in Deep learning, Dr. Liu possesses a deep understanding of financial markets, investment strategies, and risk management. This knowledge base enables him to approach data science challenges in the context of financial decision making and provide valuable insights to stakeholders in the industry. 

One of Dr. Liu’s key strengths lies in his ability to bridge the gap between academia and industry. His thorough understanding of academic papers and research in the field ensures that he selects and applies the most suitable and best practises to real world business problems. This ensures that the data science solutions he develops are not only theoretically sound but also practically applicable, providing tangible benefits to the organizations he works with. 

$100,000 Credit Granted from Google to Train Our Algorithms…

Nosis has recently garnered a noteworthy $100,000 credit from Google, purposefully designated to augment our AI undertakings and expedite the evolution of sophisticated trading algorithms. This meaningful financial impetus will catalyze Nosis’s progression towards unprecedented levels in refining its data-centric methodologies and harnessing state-of-the-art analytics to fine-tune trading strategies.

The $100,000 credit furnishes Nosis with the requisite monetary support to conduct comprehensive research, experimentation, and appraisal of diverse algorithmic models in the realm of AI. Through meticulous backtesting and real-time simulations, our objective is to augment the efficiency and resilience of our trading algorithms, ultimately amplifying yields for our clientele.

The fact that Google has expressly allocated this credit to enable our AI ventures illuminates their acknowledgement of Nosis as a pioneer in the industry and accentuates the role of AI in metamorphosing the financial panorama. This endorsement bolsters our dedication towards extending the limits of AI investigation and innovation, and we are thrilled about the prospects this credit introduces.

Endowed with this considerable credit bolstering our AI endeavours, we are assured that Nosis will radically transform the domain of trading algorithms, providing unmatched outcomes and propelling our clients’ triumphs to unprecedented levels.

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